Snow Day Memo, 2019-20
October 09, 2019
MEMO![Snow Flakes for Snow Day [image]](
To: All Staff, Parents & Guardians, Providers and other Interested Parties
From: Chief Executive Officers
Date: 10/07/19
RE: Severe Weather Cancellation Procedures (a/k/a Snow Day)
Foothills Gateway, Inc. wants to safeguard the health and welfare of individuals receiving services and staff during severe weather conditions. To do so, it may be necessary, on occasion, to close our administrative, case management, day programs and/or Adult Care Services Program to decrease the need to be out and driving in dangerous weather conditions.
During such times, the following procedure is used to determine if Foothills Gateway will be closed or if “Essential Personnel Only”* need to report:
- Executive Team members are to monitor weather conditions and will make the decision whether or not to close or have “Essential Personnel Only”* as early as possible.
- When the weather is severe enough to close programs; information will be posted on our website, Facebook page, Twitter feed and main phone line. We will also notify staff members via text message who have signed up for FGI text alerts. In addition, we will attempt to disseminate this information through local radio and television announcements. If the decision is made to have “Essential Personnel Only”* report to work, this information will be communicated in the same manner as stated above. The greeting on the Foothills Gateway main phone line will be changed to indicated the full closure or “Essential Personnel Only”*, so if in doubt, please call the main phone line – 970.226.2345. You can also check the Foothills Gateway website or Facebook page for this information –
- Currently, the following are the radio and television stations used to relay this information:
KUAD – K99.1 FM
KTRR – Tri 102 FM
KISS – 96.1 FM
KXBG – 97.9 FM
KKPL – 99.9 FM
KCNC – News 4
KMGH – Channel 7
KUSA – 9 News
* “Essential Personnel Only” may be required to report after the Executive Team assesses weather and road conditions.
Essential Personnel include all administrative staff, case management and day program staff. Residential and Adult Care Services staff will report to work as scheduled unless they hear directly from their supervisor regarding a change in schedule. A shortened schedule may be provided for all staff for travel time to and from work. Individuals receiving services will not attend day services and staff are expected to work on needed work related duties as specified by their supervisor.
This information will be broadcast on local radio, television stations, website, Facebook, Twitter and via text as “Essential Personnel Only”.
Please note: Radio and Television stations are subject to change and may be slow in getting this information posted. Please call 970.226.2345 or check our website at if in doubt.